Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunshine! [Day #6]

"He has made everything beautiful in its time..."
1. Sunshineee! It has been raining for the past two days. And by raining, I mean pouring. When the sun came out today, I was reminded of this: "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart." -Ecclesiastes 3:11. So thankful that our God is a redeeming and faithful God.
2. Being outside. I've had a cold for the past week and the medicine hasn't been working; however, when I hiked Blood Mountain today, I didn't sniffle once. Crazy, I know. I also had a TON of homework today, but instead I spent time hiking. Do I regret it? Not at all! Even though I just SparkNoted 6 chapters of a book...
Shea and Abby at the trail head.
3. Good friends. Abby and Shea are reminders that not all hope is to be lost in the world! They are funny, adventurous, and easy going. A girl couldn't ask for better friends.
4. Good food. I had a huge breakfast at Longstreet this morning. Then I had a huge lunch/dinner at Yonah Burger. Nommmm. So blessed to be able to have food readily available.
5. Lessons. Although I don't practice as much as I should, I'm still thankful for my piano and voice lessons. They are a nice escape from what's waiting for me at school. Not to mention that I have the most precious voice teacher ever.

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